
Let's count polymer clay sheep before going to bed... Sheep made of polymer clay: DIY children's New Year's craft Flat blank for a refrigerator magnet or brooches

Let's count polymer clay sheep before going to bed...  Sheep made of polymer clay: DIY children's New Year's craft Flat blank for a refrigerator magnet or brooches

Everyone knows very well and probably everyone is already looking forward to the coming of the next 2015 - the Year of the Sheep. This animal brings a lot of joy and good mood, so you need to greet it properly on New Year’s Eve. A festive family atmosphere, a beautiful New Year tree, a luxurious festive table, and of course many, many different gifts. You can give absolutely anything on New Year's Day, even any trifling thing, but it will seem like a rather valuable gift on this holiday. Well, what do they mostly give as gifts? New Year so that it is both pleasant and inexpensive: magnets, figurines, piggy banks, Christmas tree balls with the image of the animal that comes in the coming year. Since next year a sheep will visit us, small things should be in the form of a sheep. For example, you can make a small figurine from polymer clay, it is also called plastic. It will be interesting for you and at the same time it will be nice to receive a special handmade gift in the New Year.

If you have ever sculpted a little from plasticine, then you can easily learn how to sculpt from polymer clay. The difference in sculpting is that clay is not as viscous as plasticine, it is very hard and requires effort to knead, and in the end, after sculpting, the product must either be baked or welded so that the plastic hardens and the product holds its shape. We will try.

We take sheep for sculpting:
Plastic of four colors: black, soft pink, flesh-beige and white, we take warmer shades, sticks 8-9 cm long and 10 mm in diameter;
Board for plasticine;
Knife and stick for working with plastic;
Cooking container (an old saucepan that is not used for food purposes);
Decoupage varnish and brush to add brightness to the product.

Let's start with the body of the sheep. Cut off about 2 cm of body clay and begin to knead until completely softened. We kneaded it and sculpted an oval for the body, flattening it a little. Cut off about another 1 cm from the flesh sausage and knead and roll into a circle for the head.

We attach the head to the body. We press well.

We cut off 4 more pieces of 1 cm, knead each one and shape it into barrels for the sheep’s legs. We attach the legs to the body.

We make ears from two more pieces, attach them to the head and round them to the top. We make a bow from pink clay and attach it to the head.

We roll two small circles of 5 mm in diameter from white clay and two circles from black clay, 2 mm in diameter. We press the black circles to the white ones, we get eyes that we attach to the head. We attach another small pink bow under the head on the body. We draw a smile on the face with a knife.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2015 will be held under the auspices of the most peaceful and friendly animal - the blue wooden Sheep. Therefore, it is very symbolic to give various talismans corresponding to this sign for the New Year. In this master class with step by step photos we will tell you how to make a sheep from polymer clay in the form of a medallion. So childish New Year's craft created with your own hands will become a wonderful gift for a holiday for loved ones. In addition, you can hang it on the Christmas tree as a New Year's toy and amulet for your family.

Read also: New Year's candlestick made of polymer clay: master class.

So, to create a sheep medallion from polymer clay, you need the following materials and tools:

  • polymer clay white, pale pink, gray;
  • rolling pin (wooden or plastic);
  • cocktail straw;
  • stationery knife;
  • toothpick or needle;
  • thin ribbon or decorative cord.

Master class on creating a children's New Year's craft - a sheep made of polymer clay:

Step 1. Let's start with the body of the sheep. First of all, cut a small piece from a block of white polymer clay and roll it between two palms into a ball measuring approximately two centimeters. Photo 2.

Step 2. Using a wooden rolling pin, roll out the formed ball into a layer about three to four millimeters thick and five centimeters long, oval in shape. Photo 3.

Step 3. Next, with the thumb and forefinger of our hand, we lightly press individual sections of the workpiece from the edge so that we get a figure that looks like a small cloud - this is the body of the lamb. So that the figurine can be hung in the future, we need to make a hole in it. To do this, we will use a regular cocktail straw and press it through the clay in the upper part of the body. Photo 4.

Step 4. Let's put the body aside for now and move on to making the head. To do this, we need a piece of polymer clay of a pale pink or flesh-colored shade, from which we first form an oblong-shaped blank, and then press it down and get an oval layer two to three millimeters thick and one centimeter long - this is the head of a sheep. Photo 5.

Step 5. From the same pale pink polymer clay we form two identical oblong ears and attach them to the head. Photo 6.

Step 6. Now it’s time to make the muzzle. Let's start with the eyes, for which we roll two identical small white balls and two more balls, much smaller in size, from dark gray polymer clay between the pads of the thumb and index fingers. Photo 7.

Step 7. We attach the eyes to the sheep's face, and using a toothpick or sewing needle we make a nose in the form of two small holes. Photo 8.

Step 8. We connect the head and body of the animal. Photo 9.

Step 9. In order for our sheep to have characteristic curls, we will again take white polymer clay and roll out of it many small balls no larger than five millimeters in size. Moreover, the balls do not all have to be perfectly identical; some can be made a little smaller, some larger. Photo 10.

Step 10. We attach the first three or four formed balls to the sheep’s head between the ears in the form of a curly forelock, and all the rest are chaotically distributed and attached to the body and finish the job. Photo 11.

Not long ago, a new material appeared on the handicraft market, called polymer clay. In terms of tactile sensations, it is somewhat reminiscent of plasticine. But unlike plasticine, polymer clay can be baked, and then it becomes hard and flexible. Plasticine will always be soft. In this article you will learn how to make a sheep from

Flat blank for a refrigerator magnet or brooches

So, let's sculpt a sheep from polymer clay. It is very easy to mold a sheep in the form of a flat blank. To do this, first prepare the base: roll out a flat cake from a ball of clay. Then stick a face on it. Make eyes from black clay. The legs can be made either from clay or from a chain with beads. Don't forget to attach the tail. Then saddle your sheep's wool. After you have sculpted the fur, do not forget to make ears from two small pieces of polymer clay.

How to make wool for a sheep

Wool can be made different ways. For example, make a lot of small balls and stick them to the base. To make the balls textured, take a toothpick or an awl and loosen the balls in a circular motion. It's a long process, but your sheep's appearance will be transformed!

The second way to make wool for a sheep is that you first make a sausage out of polymer clay and then cut it into small circles. You can cut the sausage either after baking or before. If you cut the sausage after baking, the circles will be more even, but it will be more difficult to stick them to the body of the lamb. If you cut raw sausage, be careful as it can easily bruise. To make the sausage harder, you can put it in the refrigerator for half an hour or in the freezer for five minutes.

The third method is to use a special metal syringe for polymer clay - an extruder. You squeeze out a long thin sausage and roll it into several spirals. Then stick the resulting spirals to the sheep. As you can see, making a flat sheep is very, very simple. It will require a minimum of effort and very little time from you.

Three-dimensional figurine

Making a three-dimensional sheep from polymer clay is more difficult. Yes, and you will need to spend more materials. First of all, decide whether your polymer clay sheep will be hollow or not. If you want to create a very large figurine, first make a frame out of wire and foil. It is better to take copper or brass wire, as it is stronger than aluminum. Once you have made the base, start carefully sticking it around. Be careful not to bend the wire. Once you're done, be sure to poke a small hole in the lamb so it doesn't spoil when heated in the air fryer.

If you want a sheep made of polymer clay not to be hollow, then first sculpt a body without wool. Then bake and, if cracks appear, coat them with clay. Then use a second layer to mold the sheep's wool. As a rule, wool in bulk blanks is molded from balls, and the texture is added with an awl or a toothpick. If necessary, you can use a stack.

Materials and tools

To make your polymer clay sheep beautiful, use only high-quality materials. To add texture, you can use a needle, awl or toothpick. To stick the wool to an already baked piece, you can take a special transparent gel.

If you want to make wool from an extruder for a sheep, then it is better to take a more expensive tool. It is desirable that the extruder has a screw mechanism. In this case, it will be very easy for you to squeeze sausages out of it. To make flat pieces quickly and easily, you can buy a special rolling machine for working with clay. If you don’t want to spend money on a machine, you can roll out the clay with a simple roller. True, it will take more time.

The best polymer clay is considered to be “Fimo” or “Cernit”. But inexpensive clay is also suitable for sculpting sheep. You can take "Artifact", "Flower" or "Sonnet". For children, it is better to buy softer clay so that it is easy to knead and roll out.

Precautionary measures

When the polymer clay sheep is already in the air fryer or oven, you must set the temperature correctly. Very often ovens overestimate it. Therefore, use a special thermometer for polymer clay.

If you accidentally exceed the temperature, the polymer clay sheep may burn. To prevent this from happening, be sure to check for smoke from time to time. If there is no smoke, then everything is fine.

A voluminous lamb must be baked for at least half an hour, and a flat one - from fifteen to forty minutes. After the polymer clay sheep is baked, be sure to let it cool. However, do not remove it from the oven. Otherwise, your product may break or crack.

Modeling from plastic materials has been known to everyone since kindergarten.

This activity develops fine motor skills, imagination and creative thinking in a child.

And for adults, modeling helps them achieve peace of mind and express themselves creatively. Even while sculpting, you can create masterpieces that will later be called works of art. And you can start small - by sculpting animals, for example, a sheep.

Working with materials

A sheep figurine can be made from various materials: clay, mastic or polymer plastic. You need to understand how to work with a particular substance and when to use it:

  • Clay

Clay is natural material for sculpting. As a rule, it is sold in solid or powder form, so before sculpting, the material must be diluted with water and kneaded well in your hands until the desired softness is achieved.

It comes in natural colors and painted in various color options, in sets and plain.

  • Polymer plastic

Stores sell entire sets of plastic for children. its difference from clay is that the plastic is soft and immediately suitable for modeling. At the same time, it does not stick to your hands and does not stain them, which is also important when children work with the material.

In addition, plastic colors are brighter and more memorable.

  • Mastic

This is a unique material that is prepared in confectionery shops for decorating cakes. Less commonly, inedible materials for modeling are called this way. If you are dealing with a confectionery type of mastic, you need to remember that the material is suitable for use only after direct mixing. Then the mastic hardens.

Modeling sheep

To make a sheep, you will need clay, mastic or plastic in the following colors:

  1. Grey
  2. White
  3. Black
  4. Red
  5. Blue

In addition to them, you will need the following tools:

  1. Toothpick

Tip: If you don't have gray, you can easily replace it with black. Or you can make your own gray by mixing a lump of white substance with a few crumbs of black.

  • Take a small lump of gray material and roll a ball in your palms - a head for the animal.
  • Take a larger lump of the same substance. Now you need to make the body - roll it into a ball with your palms and slightly roll it out to make it longer.
  • Stick the body parts to each other without deforming their shapes.
  • On the head, make small indentations for the eyes with a stack, and with a toothpick make 2 holes-nostrils and mark the mouth.
  • Make 4 not very thick gray sticks - these are the legs.

Tip: to make the animal stand better, you can use frame wire for the legs and wrap the material around it.

  • Flatten the end of each stick so that the sheep stands better, and attach the other to the body.
  • Make 2 small gray droplets - ears - and attach them to the sides of the head so that they hang down.
  • From white material, roll many small balls - curls of wool. Start attaching the balls all over the body and on the head of the sheep, like a hat, so that the body becomes completely white.
  • Roll 2 small balls from white material, flatten them and stick them to the indentations on the head - the whites of the eyes. Fill them with a drop of blue (iris) and black (pupil of the eye) colors.
  • You can attach a small red droplet to the smiling contour of the mouth - a playfully sticking out tongue.

The sheep is ready!

Flight of fancy

Here are some tips to make sheep sculpting even more fun for you and your child:

  • The sheep can be made more curly by carefully drawing curls with a toothpick on the white balls.
  • You can have fun and make a whole flock of sheep so that your Curly won’t be lonely.
  • And you can put a molded lamb at the head of the flock. Then, in addition to the ears, you need to make 2 small snails from gray material, cut them in several places with a toothpick and attach them above the ears - these are horns.

Don't forget that even such simple things as modeling from plastic materials can bring joy, good mood and even develop creativity!

My new sheep, which I created from polymer clay and wool. And you gave names and came up with stories for these sheep.

I didn’t expect that so many people would get involved in this and that the sheep would have such rich stories and incredible destinies

Today on the blog you can read the most interesting, funniest and most touching stories that you left in the comments under the photos for each sheep. And, of course, you will see the names of the authors of these stories... perhaps you will be among them...

At the end of this post I will have a question for you about a new master class. It is important for me to know your opinion, so please read this post till the end and leave a comment below.

Many people count sheep before going to bed to help them fall asleep faster... Somehow I never succeeded with this. I get distracted all the time and the sheep start doing the devil’s thing... They stubbornly refuse to count and sleep doesn’t come. It is always difficult for me to imagine identical sheep, they are always different, with their own character. I decided to give them life in reality. This is how a whole collection of sheep made of polymer clay and wool was born.

Do you count sheep before going to bed?

Turquoise sheep

I picked up all the names you suggested for her on my personal VKontakte page, in my group and on my Instagram. It turned out very interesting...

Meet me- this is Betty, aka Angie, aka Blue, aka Forget-Me-Not, aka Blue-Eyed Georgette, aka Mary, aka Betsy, aka Joe Lee, Malvina, Lolita, Christina Agilerovna, Adele, Dora, Lola (Lilu) , Marianna, Eloise, Mellisa, Lyubava, Mamzel Coty, Lola, Lucy

And here

Sheep Lola (Lilu), dreamy and a little capricious, loves the turquoise color) She was invited to participate in the Miss Sheep 2016 competition, and now she is very worried: such a proposal! After all, this is the dream of her whole life! And so she diligently got herself into shape, but she was very worried, would she succeed? But it is very difficult for her to languish in anticipation... so I'm looking forward to this competition))

It seems to me that this is Adeline or just Adele (for some reason this is the name that immediately came to mind). She is all in anxious anticipation. She was given a date, the first in her life. She gets a little nervous, looks around and waits. Where is he, when will he come?

Author of the story - dianashavela
Dreaming sheep Lola. I don’t know why Lola…. But this is the first name that came to mind after I saw this charmer. Sweet Lola has a cherished blue dream) that’s why the sheep itself is that color) It turned out very cool! Individual, I would say)

Author of the story: Nadiya Tarasova
Also, the name Adele was born immediately. A self-confident sheep knows what everyone likes and can charm anyone, both men and women. With all this, he is only slightly flirtatious with everyone, saying, “You can look at me, but don’t touch me with your hands.”

Marianna, dreamer and visionary. Likes to present himself as a famous model, demonstrating only the latest fashion. In her dreams, she is the main participant in photo shoots in the most beautiful corners of the planet. And in real life she is the most charming and friendly resident of her town.

Purple sheep

2015 year of the sheep- so we are still together, seeing off the symbol of this year, and finally fantasized about it :)

You suggested the following names for this purple sheep: Funya - offended, Violet, Josephine, Plusha, Mrs. Sophie, Fuchsia, Bailey, Buka, Lavender, Sonya, Egesha, Sicilia, Rosalind, Zinaida, Lily, Matilda, Viola, Lolochka, Frosya, Fiona, Ezhevichka, Zhuzha, Kozyulya, Violetta , Sheep Nyura, Vredinka, Fioletta, Margot, Buka-byaka, Gabriella Leopoldovna, Violetta Sirenevna, Efrosinya, Seraphim (Fima)

A selection of the most interesting comments that you left for her on social media. VKontakte and Instagram networks:

Author of the story - bonanzayka
Mademoiselle Fima. Well, it’s not clear that Fimachka is not happy with the fact that there are only a few days left until the end of the outgoing year—her year. This year, all her whims were fulfilled, and here on you, her damn attractive one will be replaced by some kind of Monkey. Fi...

Author of the story: Irina Kapelistaya
It seems that the rest of the sheep have been preventing her from sleeping for many nights in a row) and then again, she had just fallen asleep when she had to wake up from the morning rays! She doesn’t really like this) and this disgruntled sleepy beauty’s name is Egesha)

Author of the story: Olga Gritsenko
Molly is a creative person, easily vulnerable and, like any sheep, stubborn and touchy. And now, I was offended and left to be sad alone. Now the main thing is to find a reason to return. Stubbornness prevents her from taking the first step. We are waiting for you, Molly, come back!!!

Author of the story: Valeria Alimova
Sicily. A thoughtful, pragmatic lady. She plans her every step and believes that everyone around her should do the same. She looks down on others a bit, but she is also a great friend. Life is not always easy for her because of her principles, but she takes her place in it. You can entrust her with the most important tasks and rely on her in anysituations.

This lady's name is Rosalind. She is a real socialite who knows her worth, with a capricious and proud character. Rosa is used to always being the center of attention and believes that it cannot be any other way. At the moment she is very unhappy about something. Maybe because some planned social event was cancelled?

Author of the story: Gulzhan Sklabovskaya
Mrs Sophie. Yes, I am a lamb and so I will tell you a fairy tale
Once upon a time I was born, and on that day the sunset was filled with magical light
No one knew where he was from, only his mother.
She whispered to me: you see this light, it’s magical
Lilacs once grew here
She was beautiful, at first the lilac was like everyone else
Stem and leaves
And not many winters have passed
But when spring came
She blossomed like a peahen
So slender, tall, beautiful and all decorated with a lilac flower
And now Sophie you are too!!!

Author of the story: Nastya Vasilenko
And it seems to me that this is a real Lolochka) Sheep who appreciates fashion and style. But she is very picky and if something goes wrong she immediately starts to feel sad and offended by everyone. But then she moves away from this and becomes the same sweet and gentle Lolochka :)))

Author of the story: Alina Gerasimova
This is Sophie. Originally from France. A charming person, with the talent of a true actress, but rather stubborn, capricious and very skeptical. A critic by nature) Always trying to out-argue) Likes to be the center of attention at social events. At the same time, she is very demanding of herself and those around her. This causes many problems, especially when working in a group (after all, she is an excellent actress, plays great, but is completely unable or unwilling to work in a team). She has changed more than one theater, and is now trying her luck on Broadway. Let's see if she can make friends with the new team and will she be able to work in a team this time?)


Interestingly, for some of the sheep, different people suggested the same names. For example, this grandmother was often given the patronymic name Stepanovna, and the yellow one (his photo below) was often called “Yashka”, the little sheep in a raincoat was “SuperByash”, etc.

The names given to this sheep by the grandmother: Serafima Palna, Claudia, Sara Moiseevna, Old Woman Doli, Avdotyushka, Matilda, Baba Busya, Abika Bibinur, Baba Kapa, ​​Babulka Stepanovna (Stepanna)! Stepanida, Aunt Motya, Galya, Baba Pasha, Lucy, Babusya-Svetusya, Marfa Petrovna, Constance, Frosya, Grandma Mila, Granny Sidora, Maya, Madame Clara, Frau Klein, Granny Mo, Maria Stepanovna

A selection of the most interesting stories you came up with for her:

Grandma Mo. A crazy needlewoman in her old age, a crazy empress in her youth, in the arms of young gentlemen, forgot about everything! This is what he tells his great-grandchildren about under the measured sound of knitting needles and the creaking of a rocking chair!))

Matilda. An older sheep, a former ballerina. She loves to knit and always tries to maintain her true beauty. Matilda's glasses pulled down over her nose and playful curlers give her a special charm))))

Author of the story: Olga Gritsenko
Meet Serafima Palna (that's right - Palna) - an older lady. For my beloved grandchildren, simply Baba Sima. Baba Sima's motto: not a day without loops. Tonight Serafima Palna has a cultural program - going out with the “girls” to the theater (they are performing a production of “Wolves and Sheep”). Already in the morning she puts on a mess, but in between times she knits socks for her beloved grandchildren, combining business with pleasure.

Little yellow sheep

Whether it's a boy or a girl, I'm not entirely sure.
So everyone figured out together who this sheep was. Therefore, both female and male names were proposed: Freddy, Dusya, Yashka, Glafira, Arkady, Jim Carrey, Fidget Bizu, Marfusha, Bumbarashka, Sean, Barabulya, Curious, Flash, Grirogyash, Boris, Jack, Kondrat, BumBarash, Igogosha, Shanechka, Vaska the Kid, Dolly, Lemon Sherbet, Mad Molly, Dandelion

A selection of the most interesting stories you came up with for this little yellow sheep:

Author of the story: Irina Mitkina
Of course, this is Grirogash, who is tired of the routine of work (he is a junior manager in a large company) and his always dissatisfied wife. Feeling “freedom,” he hurries to enjoy it on his only day off.

Author of the story: Olga Gritsenko
This is Yasha, a well-mannered boy from a decent family. Yasha is learning to play the violin. While all the other kids are kicking a ball in the yard, he is cramming scales, driving his neighbors into a frenzy. Yasha has few friends, but he really wants to be friends and kick the ball around.
And so......mom and dad went to visit, grandma watched Malakhov and Yasha decided to escape. He rushed as fast as he could into the yard to the guys. Run, Yasha, run! A child should have a childhood!!!

Author of the story: Alina Gerasimova
This is Flash. An eccentric guy, one of those who love to travel abroad - the border of reason) Simple-minded, a little crazy, cheerful, prankster and merry to the core. A little strange...) But everyone loves him) For him, every day is a discovery of something new, even in the mundane and familiar) Always positive, does not tolerate boundaries and restrictions, and wastes precious time on things that do not bring him and those around him joy in heart)

Author of the story: Olesya Kopylkova
Fidget Bizu))) The most mischievous, a little different from everyone else)))) At first glance, you can recognize her in the whole herd. Bizu simply does not sit still, frolics, runs, jumps like a spiral. She is also called the rainbow spring, because she is still very young and full of adventures in exploring the big world with a smile on her pug)


And this is a serious man with a pipe

I present to you a proud grandfather named: Barano Kudreashvile, Jules, Bilbo Baranings, Caucasian Sherlock, Sherlock Sheep, Uncle Armen, Maurice, Ralph, Veniamin, Baran Baranych, Bernard, Joseph, Labyrinth Favnovich, Mimino, Ararat, Philosopher Gog, Innocent, Sheep Givi

Author of the story - handmade_magic_world
Mimino! A real mountain sheep, with a pipe in its teeth and a breast in its curls! I have seen hundreds of beautiful sunsets and sunrises, and knows many secrets told by the wind!

Story by dscreations
Philosopher Gog. He is wise in life, knows the answers to all questions and is calm in any situation. In the evenings, to the sounds of nature, he blows out smoke rings, sitting on the veranda of a house somewhere in the mountains.

Author of the story: Anna Panova
Barano Kudreashvile. A lover of nightly gatherings on the veranda listening to music flowing from an old, periodically knocking and wheezing (this happens very rarely) gramophone. He is also a lover of tobacco and, having filled his pipe with it, he thoughtfully blows rings. And he goes to the park, taking a cane with him, where he walks along the alleys, bowing to numerous acquaintances who often drop by for tea.

Author of the story: Alina Gerasimova
Uncle Armen. The head of his village. Reserved, strict and silent, prefers solitude; They often light up their favorite pipe, away from others, in the lap of nature, contemplating the beauty of their favorite lands. At first glance, he seems a little formidable and aloof from others, but in fact he loves his village very much, and protects and protects everyone living in it, caring for the well-being of everyone, guided by his experience, wisdom, honor, unshakable and warm heart.

Author of the story: Olga Gritsenko
Yes, this is Sherlock, Sherlock Sheep. The most famous detective in his sheep world. When investigating cases brought to his clients, he is guided not only by the law, but also by his life principles. Sherlock Sheep investigates most cases without leaving his home, calling them “one-touch cases.” And now he is close to solving another complicated case. You can’t hide, because there are no secrets from him.

Author of the story: Valeria Alimova
Maurice. Loves nature, contemplation and, of course, his pipe. On fine days he walks around his possessions, which have been passed down in their family for several generations from father to son. No one has the right to destroy the work of the family. A good house and a wonderful nature reserve. A large number of animals and rare plants have found their home here.


They have one leaf between them, and maybe one story between them...

They were called like this: Evachka and Shoni, Catherine and Albert, Bonnie and Clyde, Sherochka with Masherochka, Becky and Pyatse, Emma and Robert, Eva and Bernard, Rimma and Fimka, Cherry and Cappers, Dasha and Kobyasha, Lo-lo and Pe-pe

What is the story of this couple?

A selection of the most interesting stories:

Undoubtedly, these are friends from the cradle. Baby Cherry loves treats very much and Cappers never ceases to pamper her with juicy leaves.
Kids often get together and love to watch the sunrise on a green meadow near a quiet river.
Name: Cherry and Cappers.
Personality: Cherry is a restless girl who loves adventure and a lot of laughter. Her life is filled with colors and fun, she loves noisy companies, and can be quick-tempered.
Cappers are the complete opposite. A quiet and calm lamb, living in his thoughts. But next to Cherry he changes instantly! Sparks of happiness appear in his eyes!
Who knows what will happen to this couple next?..
Lifetime dream:
Cherry: - Become a famous artist and communicate a lot with celebrities.
Cappers: - Win Cherry's heart. It's a pity he's still afraid to do it.
But he has everything ahead!

Author of the story: Alina Gerasimova
Eva and Bernard. They are still teenagers; friends from the cradle. Always and everywhere together. And it seems that between them, from warm, deep friendly feelings, something special, something magical is born... real, bright and pure Love.

Author of the story: Olga Gritsenko
This is brother and sister Bonnie and Clyde. They are always together. Bonnie is 5 minutes older than her brother and therefore believes that she is the main one in their tandem. Despite her external fragility and tenderness, she has a strong character. Clyde is used to obeying his sister in everything, but he also has moments of indomitable stubbornness. And now he doesn’t want to give up such a tasty leaf to his sister. Resisting with all his might, he tries to prove to Bonnie that he is still a man and the last word should be his.
How wrong you are, Clyde!

Author of the story: Tatiana Chiornya
The beautiful Becky in a straw hat captivated the heart of the young poor Italian emigrant Piace with just one flutter of her eyelashes. Becky, like any young lady, dreamed of sincere and true love, of a hero who would save her from a golden cage, who would save her from an arranged marriage that her influential father was preparing for her... Only after seeing the purity and depth of Pyatse’s eyes, Becky realized that it was him. They had been secretly exchanging glances for a long time, content with only short conversations. And so, it happened... He stealthily took her away from the magnificent reception and brought her to the roof, where he often thought about her alone. They had a picnic away from everyone. The city lay in the palm of their hand. And so... The last tasty leaf turned out to be the only barrier between their lips... Their eyes timidly met...

Super man

I think what I got here is more of a sheep-hippopotamus. But he is a super man who flies to the rescue.

You gave him these names: Pietro, Shipman, Super-Byash, Norton Stark, Helper, SuperCozy

A selection of the most interesting comments that you left for him on social media. VKontakte and Instagram networks:

Author of the story - natasha._.karpova
SuperCozy! Incredibly charming, brave and decisive!)) if he sees that someone is in trouble, he puts on his raincoat and rushes to the rescue!) those rescued are unusually cozy and comfortable under his wing)

Author of the story: Olga Gritsenko
He was born under the sign of Aries; he grew up as an ordinary child. I read books about Superman and wanted to be like him in everything. For the New Year, Santa Claus brought him a gift under the Christmas tree, there was a cape and a Superman mask. Now he will be - SUPER-BASH!

Author of the story: Vika Usatenko
He was fascinated by the lovely stranger and changed in an instant, wanting to win her heart. For the sake of mysterious lady, he is ready for anything! After all, it was with her rapid arrival that colors appeared in his life!
Name: Norton Stark
Character: A man of firm words and fulfilled obligations! Loves to try something new. In love. So his new passion forced him to take risks.
My lifelong dream is to win the heart of a mysterious sheep!

pink sheep

The last sheep from me.

But it was with this pink baby that it all started a year ago...
Then we gathered at our gatherings and made such a sheep from polymer clay and wool.

Meet me- this is Lily, Caramel, LiSol, Iala, Fifi, Milichka, Lyalechka, Dora, Dashka-Charming, Olivia Fukkols, Cornelia, Bella, Adeli, Lily, Dorothy, Malinka, Icicle, Marshmallow

A selection of the most interesting stories you came up with for her:

Author of the story: Natalya Novikova
her name is Masya, and she is the smallest and most tender among her brothers and sisters. It’s the first time she’s being photographed, and everything is new to her: it’s a big miracle that the sun is shining, that the grass is so bright and tasty, and that a new day is coming - that’s also a miracle!
Author of the story: Alina Gerasimova
The most tender and bright creation. With her kindness, tenderness and love, she more than once rescued other sheep from trouble. So bright, so kind and gentle that in her company everyone feels so warm and light in their souls, and it seems that everything in the world is beautiful and all the bad things recede...

Author of the story - Alexandra Orlova
Definitely, the name of this young lady should be as gentle, soft, airy as she herself. I think the name Cornelia suits her... She is the cousin of the purple sheep, however, she is the complete opposite of her. Cornelia is always calm, slightly thoughtful, never gets angry with anyone and never raises her voice. And her voice, I must say, is very beautiful and melodic, so Cornelia takes vocals seriously.

Author of the story: Vika Usatenko
On a summer day, little Olivia went for a walk... Looking at the blue clouds, she thought about her life, sang funny songs, looked at the grass under her feet, smelled the flowers and marveled at how much more she had to see!
Name: Olivia Fuccols
Appearance: a lamb the color of a young dawn, with a bow the color of a juicy strawberry and the kindest eyes on Earth!
Personality: a dreamy little girl who cannot live without walks in the fresh air and sitting in a hammock with a book. She is not a supporter of noisy companies, but rather a home girl.
Loves to look at butterflies and their fancy designs. My biggest dream is to learn how to fly in real clouds just like them, but for now Olivia is flying in the clouds of her thoughts.

Special thanks to those people who left their comments almost every day and under every sheep. I tried and fantasized for these kids.