Miscellaneous techniques

Gasification of a country house - what and how to do. Autonomous gasification of the dacha or we bury a gas tank in the yard How much does it cost to gasify the dacha

Gasification of a country house - what and how to do.  Autonomous gasification of the dacha or we bury a gas tank in the yard How much does it cost to gasify the dacha

* All prices are indicative. To clarify the cost, please call the numbers listed on the site.

It is good when there is a comfortably equipped summer cottage. And even better, when the dacha has all the "benefits of civilization", in the first place - the gas main. If the highway is not connected to your summer cottage and the date when this happens is unknown, then it will help autonomous gasification of the dacha.

Specialists of the company "VPS-GAS" will conduct gas at the dacha autonomously. We carry out gasification of a summer cottage on a turnkey basis, from sale and installation to service maintenance of the installed system.

The essence of the autonomous gasification procedure is that a gas tank is installed in the country house - a reservoir into which liquefied hydrocarbon gas propane-butane is pumped as an energy carrier. Such tanks are widely used for autonomous gas supply to private sector homes.

How is the installation

In order to install gas in the country autonomously, we carry out a set of works. Stages of installation of gas equipment:

  • departure of the engineer to the site,
  • budgeting,
  • conclusion of the contract and payment,
  • excavation,
  • concrete base installation
  • gas tank installation,
  • installation and testing of an external gas pipeline,
  • installation and inspection of the internal gas pipeline,
  • security system installation,
  • pipeline pressure testing.

We install Czech-made gas tanks, as we are the official representative of the Czech VPS plant in Russia. The service life of such tanks is 30 years. In addition to the equipment of this brand, we sell and install gas boilers Termet, being the exclusive distributors of this brand in Russia.

Gasification options for giving

Advantages of autonomous gas supply

The autonomous gasification system does not need constant monitoring. Its prevention is carried out once a year, when refueling. Among other advantages of autonomous gas supply, we highlight:

  • economy (low gas consumption, relatively low price per liter),
  • environmental friendliness (no smell, soot),
  • safety (the system is completely sealed, like a central gas),
  • installation speed - in 1-2 days for private residential facilities, in 3-5 for industrial ones.

Autonomous gasification of summer cottages is a multifaceted and complex process, the success of the final result depends on the contractor company. We have everything to ensure a high result is:

  • own assembly teams,
  • own warehouses - gas tanks are always available,
  • own fleet of vehicles,
  • SRO permits for the performance of these works.

Gasification country house allows you to save money without sacrificing comfort: the equipment is reliable and easy to operate, safe and environmentally friendly, and raw materials are relatively cheap.

Of course, you can use gas cylinders, but there is another option - be patient and bring gas into the house.

Street gas distribution pipelines are linear capital construction facilities, which means that it is necessary to obtain permits for their construction and commissioning.


In the gasification procedure, in accordance with the Federal Law "On gas supply in the Russian Federation" dated March 31, 1999 No. 69-FZ, the following take part:

  • gas distribution organizations involved in the development and operation of gas supply systems, providing buyers with raw materials, providing services for its transportation through their networks;
  • a gas transportation organization pumping gas through its own or leased main gas pipelines;
  • gas transmission system connecting the producer and consumer of gas;
  • a gas supply organization (the owner or a person authorized by him) that supplies raw materials to consumers under contracts.

The transfer of gas is carried out on the basis of agreements between the supplier and the consumer, regardless of the form of ownership, in accordance with civil law and the Rules for the supply and use of gas approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. To conclude a contract, an interested person (applicant) sends an application (offer) to the organization, in which he expresses his desire to join the gas pipeline in writing. Submission of an offer is the first step towards the gasification of your country house.

Notice to the private homeowner

Before starting the process of gasification of SNT, it is necessary to answer two questions: is there a technical possibility of connection and who is the owner of the gas pipeline? connection to a state facility will be conditionally free, but if the owner is a private organization, then connection is carried out on the basis of an agreement (one of its essential conditions is the amount of payment).


The construction of the gas pipeline is preceded by preparatory work.

The first step is to collect the necessary documents and obtain from the owner of the gas pipeline a written permission to connect to the existing network (or refusal, indicating the reasons).

At this stage, permission from the heads of the architectural and planning department (APU) for gasification of private ownership or SNT will be required; a copy of the technical passport of the building from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI); topographic survey of the site with the location of the house and other gasified structures on a scale of 1: 500 with applied communications and a gas pipeline, certified by the local gas service; written permission from neighbors to connect to the highway, if it passes through their sites. The second step is to obtain technical specifications from a specialized organization that operates and maintains the gas pipeline.

Specifications - a document that establishes requirements for specific products, materials, services for laying a gas artery. It defines the point of connection to the highway, lists the necessary approvals, technical requirements (recommendations) for the projected object. For individuals, technical conditions for the construction of a gas pipeline with a volume of pumped gas up to 8 m3 / h are issued free of charge. If this limit is exceeded, the removal of technical restrictions is paid in accordance with the current rates.

Before obtaining technical conditions for gas supply, it is necessary to establish the required volume of raw materials. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine how much gas this or that equipment consumes in accordance with the manufacturer's passport. The total volume of gas is equal to the sum of the volumes of gas consumption of all installed devices, including backup ones.

A copy of the passport of the owner of the facility subject to gasification should be attached to the application for obtaining technical conditions; copies of documents confirming the ownership of the premises, structures, buildings, land for construction (certificate of state registration of ownership or lease agreement, technical passport for a separate room); as well as topographic survey at a scale of 1:500. Terms of preparation of technical specifications - from 2 weeks to a calendar month, but most often the coordination takes longer.

The technical conditions have a limited validity period (usually up to 2 years), that is, the gas pipeline must be built before the end of this period.

The third step is to apply to a specialized licensed organization for the design of a gas pipeline based on technical specifications, permission for connection and terms of reference. When choosing a designer, pay attention to whether he has the appropriate license, and also make sure that he is a member of a self-regulatory organization. (An easier option is to ask for a designer's recommendation at the stage of applying for a permit to the gas service.) It may be necessary to visit the site of an engineer who will make the necessary measurements. This item should be included in the contract with the project company, since the work will require additional time and money.

At the design stage, the customer should be especially active - both technical and aesthetic parameters must be included in the project, because the reconnection and transfer of equipment will have to be re-coordinated with the gas service. The minimum price of the project today is about 20 thousand rubles.

The finished project must be agreed with the organization that issued the specifications. This procedure usually takes about 2 weeks.

Finally, the fourth step is to obtain permission from the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning to carry out earthworks if the gas pipeline is laid in a closed (underground) way.

On a note:

Connecting to a gas pipeline is fundamentally impossible if its capacity is exhausted (for example, in settlements where networks have been laid for a long time). In addition, difficulties in obtaining technical specifications may become an obstacle to construction if the developer has violated the procedure for registering ownership of the gas pipeline.


So, the documents are prepared, the project is drawn up. Now you need to select the equipment. make calculations and draw up an approximate estimate of all work according to the project documentation.

Often, the design organization has a license to carry out construction and installation work, so it is possible to conclude a single contract for design and construction (with a saving of about 25%). If the gas service recommends two different companies - design and construction, then they draw up a construction contract based on the developed project and estimate. The minimum cost of installation (excluding the cost of materials) is about 70-80 thousand rubles.

Then it is necessary to conclude a contract for technical supervision.

When the contractor completes the construction of the supply gas pipeline, the executive and technical documentation is drawn up:

  • act of acceptance of the object of the gas distribution system;
  • construction passport of the underground (overground) gas pipeline, gas inlet;
  • an act on hidden work (if there are supports);
  • scheme of welded joints (on the underground part of the structure);
  • technical conditions with an agreed project;
  • executive survey of the external gas pipeline;
  • quality certificate for pipes;
  • protocol of mechanical tests of welded joints of a steel gas pipeline;
  • welder's certificate.

The gas pipeline is often built in two stages - first a common "pipe" to the boundaries of the garden partnership, and then to each household. It is likely that they will be significantly separated in time due to the high cost of the project. In this case, you will have to go through the design and project approval stage again, but now for a smaller part of the gas pipeline. When compiling as-built technical documentation, an act of the technical condition of gas ducts, ventilation and chimneys of a boiler plant will be required; verification certificate and act of sealing the gas metering unit; copies of passports for equipment.


After construction is completed, it is necessary to conclude an agreement (contracts) with a regional organization for the supply of gas and obtain permission to start it. A prerequisite is to draw up a contract for the technical and emergency dispatch services of the facility.

To conclude a contract for the supply of gas, you will need copies of documents: the owner's passport; certificates of state registration of property rights to the house; contracts for the maintenance and current repair of in-house gas supply systems and contracts for the maintenance of a gas boiler; passports for the counter; technical passport of the house (an important parameter is the footage of the heated area); extracts from the house book, if there are registered residents (or a certificate in form No. 9); power of attorney from the owner (if necessary); the act of acceptance of the intra-house gas pipeline; technical conditions for gas supply at home; the act on the definition of the boundary of the division of ownership of gas distribution networks.

Next, you should undergo a safety briefing in the gas service, as evidenced by the signature in a special book. Then take the facility into operation and carry out commissioning. If it was not possible to adjust the operation of gas equipment or its individual components, it is required to draw up an appropriate act and establish the reason.

The gas pipeline is accepted by a representative of the gas service (the procedure will take up to 30 working days). If no comments were made, the employee will issue a receipt, according to which technical supervision services must be paid, and then transfer a copy of it to the installation organization.

Based on the decision of the commission, the meter will be sealed within 21 working days. Then, a contract will be concluded with the user for the supply of gas, further maintenance of the gas pipeline and equipment inside the house.

Organizations that issue technical conditions for gasification (for example, GUP Mo Mosoblgaz) prefer not to contact a group of citizens, albeit an organized one, or its representatives, but with a legal entity. Such an association can be created in the form of a non-profit partnership, a consumer cooperative or a society

Gasification of a garden partnership - where to start

If it is necessary to gasify the entire garden partnership, then at the general meeting of the owners of the plots, it is necessary by a majority of votes to decide on the laying of a gas pipeline, indicating the size of the target contribution. It is possible that two groups are formed within the SNT: representatives of the first want to gasify their homes immediately and are financially ready for this, the second - for various reasons, refuse to connect cottages to the gas network.

In the event that not all members of the SNT are going to participate in the construction, a new legal entity should be established. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 4 of the Federal Law "On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" dated 15.04.98 FZ-66, public property acquired or created by a partnership at the expense of earmarked contributions is the joint property of its members. This means that all gardeners, even those who did not take part in the construction of the gas system, will have equal rights to it. If in the future it is planned to connect new participants to the facility and make a profit, it is advisable to organize a consumer cooperative. And when an independent non-profit organization is created only for the construction of a gas pipeline, it is worth establishing a non-profit partnership.

Sometimes it's so nice to escape from the bustle of the city, to be in nature, in your country house. Here, after walking through the forest, swimming in the lake, you can take a shower, cook a romantic dinner in the evening, and turn on the heating on cold nights. All this is possible if there is a connection to a central energy source or, even better, an autonomous gasification project has been implemented in the country house. Modern technologies and equipment make it possible to obtain a reliable and safe system that will provide the house with hot water, heat and backup electricity.

Independent gas supply to the cottage.

It is not always profitable and reasonable to connect to the central gas pipeline in order to get gas for domestic needs. In situations where the main line is not close, it is not economically feasible to run pipes from it, independent gasification comes to the rescue. The system includes:

Individual gas storage tanks - gas holders. Underground or above ground tanks are used depending on the operating conditions. For gasification of dachas, mobile models can be used. The configuration, the volume of the tank depends on the needs of the inhabitants;
pipeline. It is a design of pipes through which gas flows from the gas tank to the house;
gas powered equipment.

Additionally, pressure level sensors, valves for adjusting the gas supply are installed. It is possible to use the remote control system. The autonomous gasification system works on propane-butane.

What is the price of an autonomous gasification of a turnkey cottage?

Dacha area Gas tank volume Work cost turnkey cost
before 200 square meters 2,700 liters 15 000 rubles from 185 000 rubles

What gives an independent gas supply to the dacha owner?

On a plot used for recreation, the garden is cost-effective to use an independent gas supply. The advantages of such a system are as follows:

Independence from main gas pipelines, breakdowns, interruptions, rolling blackouts;
independent choice of the optimal gasification scheme for the dacha;
in snt - the possibility of combining owners in order to reduce the cost of acquiring a gas tank;
control over gas consumption and costs associated with heating, hot water supply;
the ability to choose a gas supplier, control over the quality of energy resources;
equipment reliability, long service life;
environmental friendliness. The use of gas does not harm the environment, the appearance of harmful odors in the air is excluded.

A private gasification system is an excellent solution for owners of country houses. You will have to fill the gas tank 1-2 times a year, and use heating, hot water, and have a backup source of electricity.

Useful information for the summer resident
How can you reduce gas consumption in a country house? What opportunities will autonomous gas supply give to a country house?
Heating of greenhouses and conservatories in the country. Looking for a gas stove for your kitchen?

Installing an independent system is not an easy process. Engineers and managers are involved in its implementation. All of them are constantly trained to improve their skills. The process of conducting gas to a summer cottage includes:

creation of the project, its coordination with the client. At the first stage, the requirements are specified, the site is surveyed, and the necessary measurements are taken. Based on the data received, the cost of work and equipment is calculated, a contract is prepared;
conducting preparatory work. Includes digging a pit, preparing the foundation. If it is planned to use a ground gas tank, a room is prepared that meets safety requirements. There must be ventilation, chimneys;
coordination of the autonomous gasification project with supervisory authorities;
delivery, installation of equipment on suburban area. At this stage, a gas tank, sensors, shut-off and control valves, pipes are installed. Equipment is being connected;
crimping. Includes high pressure tests to check tightness;
commissioning. The system is connected to confirm the absence of leaks, problems in the operation of the equipment. If necessary, faults are eliminated;
commissioning. Based on the results of commissioning, documents are filled out confirming the operability of the autonomous gas supply system for the dacha.

The company "Gaz-Avtonom" provides services for the maintenance of gas equipment and refueling gas tanks with gas.

  • Tall tubes are included as standard, which reduces the risk of flooding of the gearbox and other instruments, which extends the life and prevents the customer from unplanned maintenance costs.
  • The wall thickness of our gas tank is 6 mm. Steel 09G2S.
  • The warranty period of our gas tanks is 30 years
  • A modern anti-corrosion two-component coating based on epoxy resins with the addition of components that increase the plasticity of the material. This makes the coating of our gas tanks resistant to chipping and cracking during transportation and installation.
  • We take full responsibility for our products and services. In the event of a warranty case, the client contacts our company directly, it is faster and more reliable
  • Vessel welds are made by automated submerged arc welding and comply with GOST 8713 - 79. All external elements are welded to the vessel through a backing sheet, which makes the design of our gas holders very reliable.
  • The protective casing is made of polymeric materials, which is not subject to corrosion. The cover is lightweight and easy to use. The material of the casing is green, which harmoniously looks on the garden plot.

Other gas tanks

  • At analogs for high tubes it is necessary to pay extra.
  • Wall thickness of other analogues - 5 mm
  • Warranty period - 20 years
  • Conventional anti-corrosion coating
  • Warranty service is provided by foreign manufacturers
  • Many manufacturers perform hand welding with an electrode. Only the outer side is welded.
  • Heavy metal casing that spoils appearance your site.

Why are we

Advantages of gas tanks

Gasholders "Rosavtonomgaz"

Other analogues

The basic kit includes high tubes that prevent the gearbox and other autonomous gas supply devices from flooding. This allows to extend the service life, so the customer does not spend money on maintenance. Many companies require an additional fee from customers for the presence of high pipes in the kit.
Our gas tanks differ in wall thickness, which is 6 mm. Steel 09G2S. The wall thickness of other analogues is 5 mm.
Our products are more durable. The service life is 30 years. Warranty period - 20 years.
In order to make our gas tanks durable, we use a special coating consisting of an anti-corrosion two-component material and epoxy resins. Due to this, the plasticity of the material increases, and it becomes more resistant to cracking. Standard anti-corrosion coating.
We provide our clients with high quality service. You can directly contact our company for warranty service. Warranty service is provided by foreign manufacturers.
To create welded joints of vessels, automatic submerged arc welding is used. The seams are made according to the standards established in GOST 8713 - 79. Welding of the outer elements is carried out using filler material. Due to this, the design of gas tanks is highly reliable. Most manufacturers carry out welding work manually using standard electrodes. This leads to the fact that the elements are welded only from the outside.
The products of our company satisfy such qualities as light weight, ergonomics and ease of operation. The outer part of the casing is made in green, which allows you to make the structure as invisible as possible among garden plantings. Analogues: many manufacturers offer heavy gray metal casings that stand out from the garden landscape.
  • The terms of gasification of the dacha are 1-3 working days (depending on the complexity of the terrain and weather conditions) after the conclusion of the contract and the prepayment. Customer and approval of projects for gasification.
  • The warranty period, during which ROSAVTONOMGAZ bears warranty obligations for the work performed by it, begins from the moment the result of the work under the Certificate is accepted and signed by the Customer and is set for a period of 12 (twelve) calendar months.
  • The warranty period for the equipment installed by our company is indicated in the warranty cards of the manufacturing plants.

Information on the selection of a gas tank for autonomous gasification of a summer residence:

* According to the calculation of the technologist.

** All calculations are based on 4 users.

*** The choice of capacity is more expedient to make taking into account the following statistics: heating 1 m2 of building area during the heating period (≈ 7 months: October - April) requires 26-30 liters of liquefied gas.