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Indoor cyclamens: care during and after flowering

Cyclamen belongs to the Primrose family and includes about 20 types of flowers, of which only European, Neapolitan and Persian have gained popularity for growing at home. Today we will tell you how to care for cyclamen at home.


What flower according to the zodiac sign is Aries

Aries is in first place in the chain of zodiac signs. This explains the special character traits of the Aries girl. They are always energetic, uncompromising and distinguished by friendliness and sociability. This is a lively, passionate and enthusiastic nature, which


Milkweed care at home

In indoor plant growing, there is such a flower as euphorbia, home care for which is quite unpretentious and consists mainly in proper watering and timely transplants. It looks most often like a small branchy tree with five

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How to make a salt room with your own hands

Check out the most complete information on opening a salt cave: equipment selection and design, documentation, ways to attract customers, and whether it is worth buying a franchise to open a halochamber. This type of business, despite the seeming


What are the best mini drilling rigs?

The need for a well for water in your own area can be due to various reasons. As a rule, owners of private houses who do not have access to centralized communications decide to create such a source. An alternative could be

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