
How beautiful to arrange flower beds in the front garden. How to choose and arrange flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos, useful tips and unique designs

How beautiful to arrange flower beds in the front garden.  How to choose and arrange flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos, useful tips and unique designs

Dachas or country house, special attention should be paid to the area in front of the house. It is here that a chic front garden along both sides can be located. Thus, the entire facade of the house will acquire an unusual and attractive appearance. Despite the simplicity of the process of designing flower beds, it is worth noting that in order to obtain an original design, it is necessary to calculate all the details. To decorate the front garden with your own hands and add zest to it, follow simple recommendations and tips.

It is necessary to start developing a front garden in harmony with the overall concept of the garden. So, the selection of flowers and ornamental plants should be carried out taking into account the color scheme. It is desirable to achieve a harmonious combination with shades of all elements. Pay attention to these elements:

  • decorative finishing of garden furniture;
  • fencing;
  • facade of the house;

Before you arrange a front garden, you should take into account another important factor - the climatic conditions of the area. The selection of plants will depend on them. For example, roses do not tolerate a lot of moisture, so they should not be planted in cold areas with high rainfall.

If you thoroughly approach the planning and development stage, then you should use special computer programs for landscape design. In such software, there is an assortment of graphic objects of a wide variety of plants, which allows you to get as close as possible to the real state of affairs. Having such an advantage, you can safely consider the inclusion of a wide variety of flowers and shrubs in the front garden. One more positive side You can also name the presence of a guide to all plants indicating the features of care.

When creating a front garden in a small area, you can visually enlarge it by applying the optical illusion method. Install mirrors in which plants and flowers will be displayed, creating the appearance of a front garden stretching deep into the garden.

The most popular front garden styles

When deciding to design a front garden in front of the house, you should choose the right style that will successfully harmonize with the structure and territory of the cottage. Consider popular design ideas.

It is this style that is most often used in the design of the entire garden. In other words, it can be called a rustic style, which is very handy with regards to a suburban area. It is believed that a whitewashed house, a picket fence, a rich front garden and a well from a log house are the perfect combination.

Considering the range of plants, such annual options are suitable for country:

  • cornflowers;
  • sunflowers;
  • poppies;
  • irises;
  • tulips.

The composition will be complemented by cypress and lilac, as well as other brightly flowering ornamental plants.

In combination with style, garden paths made of natural stone will look good.

This is not only a world-famous artist, but also a gardener who devoted his whole life to landscapes. Claude Monet created original and unusual plant compositions that many modern designers prefer to include when designing front gardens. To make such a composition, you must include the following elements:

  • ampelous plants in containers are located at the entrance to the front garden;
  • all paths are made with gravel, and curbs are made of nasturtiums;
  • division of the entire territory into two zones: color (dahlias, lavender, asters and kosnea) and ornamental shrubs (lilac, sunflower and chaenomeles);
  • decorative arches should be braided with climbing plants, such as parthenocissus or roses;
  • low fences made of picket fence or metal mesh.

All fences should be of low height. It is better to paint them white for contrast, and also cut off the sharp tops.


If you decide to make an unusual and beautiful front garden, then the original solution will be Mondrian's geometric front garden. The famous Dutch artist became the founder of such a trend as neoplasticism. It is based on strict geometric shapes of objects and each element must be painted in its own bright color:

  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • red;
  • green.

It is not difficult to implement such an idea. The only drawback is that such a clear and bright performance can get boring after a few years. For interested people, it is worth remembering the following options for the design of rectangles:

  • red: dahlias, centranthus and sunflowers;
  • yellow: rudbeckia, chrysanthemums and marigolds;
  • blue: lobelia, petunia and bush aster;
  • white: iberis, fragrant tobacco and daisy.

In order to draw a harmonious thread through all other elements, it is necessary to use the selected colors for coloring other objects, for example, fences, gates and dog houses.

Big fans of Mondrian use geometries not only in the design of the front garden, but the entire garden, in order to maintain a single style.

Now let's move on to the most interesting, how to make a front garden with your own hands at minimal cost. In fact, it should be noted that the creation and decoration of the garden area, made by hand, is an exciting and interesting activity that everyone will like.

In order to choose the optimal site for creating a front garden on the territory of a country house, it is not necessary to have any special knowledge and skills. You can also refuse the services of expensive designers and planners. You also do not need to purchase special equipment or a large amount of valuable material. All the necessary information can be obtained from this article.

So, it is necessary to give preference to the area where there is no single plane, and there is no need to remove trees or any buildings in order to equip the territory. This description fits the center of the cottage, and its outskirts, or the platform in front of the entrance to the house. It is also best if the allotted place is in partial shade, and not in open areas, because not all plants are able to transfer high temperatures hot summer. It would also be optimal to have a couple of trees at the very edges of the site.

  1. The entire landscape should be as diverse as possible, since a flat area will not have aesthetic appeal. The presence of small slopes and hills, as well as plains, will be an ideal solution.
  2. The soil should be medium, not heavy and not easy. Acidity should also correspond to the average level. Thus, it is necessary to choose a universal site that is suitable for most plants.
  3. Question about the level ground water doesn't matter much. At the same time, it is still more desirable if they lie at the level of one meter from the soil surface.
  4. If necessary, fertilizers are applied to the soil according to the instructions.

The land should have a minimum amount of debris, be practically ready for processing under the palisade.

You should initially decide on the design with which the work will be carried out to the very end. It is best to record all ideas on a piece of paper. Include in the project:

  • style;
  • the buildings;
  • architecture;
  • fences;
  • color palette;
  • accommodation;
  • decorative elements.

Experts advise choosing the general shape of the palisade and clearly presenting the final result.

When developing, it is best to build on the style in which the landscape design of the entire site is made, if it is already planned.

Despite the fact that small fences may be absent in the front garden, it is still necessary to consider this issue in detail. At the same time, it should be noted that in an open palisade, with the help of a fence, you can make smooth transitions and division of zones into a territory throughout the site. It is with the help of a fence that you can highlight the created creation against the general background and the site. Thus, it will be possible to see it from afar, and at the same time, it will be possible to relax and spend time with children in the new zone.

The ideal option would be:

  • low tyn;
  • small fence;
  • timber fence.

The fence can be made from improvised means that are on the territory or left after repair, construction.

It is necessary to install small fences directly into the ground, without any foundation or foundation.

The main elements in the front garden are plants. For its proper formation, flowers and shrubs should be used to the maximum in order to plant every centimeter of the allocated area. It is also necessary to include both early flowering and late flowering plants so that their abundant flowering lasts throughout the warm period of the year. This includes:

  • herbs;
  • flowers;
  • bushes;
  • ornamental plants.

Do not consider expensive and exotic plants that are grown in special nurseries. To create a simple and soulful place, several varieties of roses will be enough. You should alternate early and late flowering varieties so that empty spaces do not form. Along the border, you can plant lawn grass, which will prevent weeds from growing. You should also remember about simple wildflowers that will bring a light mix. Include in your front garden: gerberas, phloxes, orchids, delphiniums, geraniums, cornflowers and primroses.

In this case, you should not get too carried away, since there should be a minimum of shrubs, of course, if we are not talking about a large front garden area. In this case, you can even plan a hedge that will become a division of zones. It is better to select decorative bushes for pruning in order to be able to shape their shape on their own. So, the conifers will look great, which will delight not only in the summer season, but also in the snowy winter. Pay attention to spirea, barberry, skumpia and even bonsai, which will be the highlight of the palisade.


This question is quite complicated, since it will be difficult to reap the final result for several years. It is best to include existing trees in the palisade, and it is advantageous to beat them.

When choosing plants, you should give preference to those that will delight you for several years in a row.

If you don’t know how to decorate and complement the front garden you are creating, then you can be guided simple advice and recommendations from experienced designers:

  1. To decorate a laconic and rather modest facade, you can use lush vegetation.
  2. A house with artsy architectural elements is best complemented by restrained lines and shapes.
  3. Planting height should not exceed 2/3 of the height of the house. This will not disturb the harmony of the building and will not allow plantings to cover the entire facade.
  4. Consider the illumination of the territory: it is better to plant shade-tolerant plants in the shade, and on the south side you can diversify the floristry and include exotics in it.
  5. Contrasts should be present in the color scheme, and at the same time, the general background of the front garden should not merge with the facade. For example, an abundance of red roses on a brick wall would be out of place.
  6. Decorative elements should be composed in the composition to give originality.

The main task is the harmonious inclusion of a new landscape element in the architecture of the facade.

The style of your front garden will completely depend on the architectural style of the building: romantic, country, symmetrical or modern. To add charm to the composition, it is best to complement it with a mini fountain.


In the video you can clearly see what the front garden looks like:

A photo

Of course, you know that it is customary to call a front garden a piece of land leading from a house to a road. It can be used in different ways. Most often, the front garden in front of the house is planted with beautiful flowers and a flower bed is made, a smooth and comfortable path is arranged, and compositions are created from other plants. Where, if not in the front garden, you can embody the most daring and creative design solutions? Our article is just about this - the opportunity to equip the front garden with your own hands, without resorting to the expensive services of landscape designers.

Varieties of front gardens: what are they?

Depending on which design is chosen, the front garden can be:

  • open. There is no fence, the space is clearly visible from any point. In most cases, an open front garden looks like a green lawn, always trimmed.
  • closed. From the side of the street, the territory is fenced off with a fence or hedge. Various materials can be used to make a fence: brick, wood, stone, chain-link mesh or.

Please answer one simple question. What is a priority for you when arranging a front garden: personal preferences or the opinion of random passers-by? Depending on this, the design of the front garden can be divided into 2 types:

  • Russian. Art is not for the sake of art, but for the sake of personal pleasure. In simple words, the space outside the windows should please you, not guests and curious neighbors. The view from the window is much more attractive than from the road. The site is closed with a dense fence or hedge, but a real fairy tale reigns inside: from painted decor and garden figurines to the fragrance of flowers.
  • European. Rigid standards, everything for others. The open type is suitable for those who would like to surprise others with a truly original design. Everyone can see it, the territory is completely open, as in the photo. Moreover, the geometry of the lines is clear and precise, the bushes are trimmed, and the lawns are even.

However, you can combine these two types for maximum results. In the "Russian" front gardens, wooden products are often found, in the "European" ones - even steps, plants in flowerpots, and so on. The style can be anything from Mediterranean to rustic.

How to build a fence garden?

You can arrange your own front garden yourself. It's inexpensive and effective. The picket fence, which is painted white, looks very nice. The protective function of the picket fence is conditional - it serves rather as a decoration of the site. Armed with a small set of tools, you can assemble such an ornament with your own hands.

So, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Boards 2.5 by 8 cm.
  • Bars (section 10 by 10 cm).
  • Crossbars with which you will equip the picket fence. It is better to take planks with a diameter of 4 by 10 cm.
  • Electric jigsaw and shovel.
  • A hammer.
  • Screwdriver, screwdriver or drill.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • building mix.
  • Special hinges for the gate.

It is best to start construction work with the installation of pillars that are buried in the ground to a decent depth. The distance must be the same. In principle, they can simply be installed on anchors, poured with concrete. For this, a hole is prepared in the ground, a tin pipe with a galvanized anchor inside is inserted into it. After pouring concrete, crossbars are screwed to the posts, and boards are already attached to them. A gate is hung on a pole with hinges.

To make the fence in the photo look beautiful, the posts and boards are painted in a bright color. It can be different colors - the fence will be original! Also, the arrangement of the home front garden should include the treatment of the fence with a protective compound. It prevents the appearance of fungi and mold. The paint is applied to the tree only after processing.

How to care for such a front garden?

In order for the picket fence you have equipped to last as long as possible, do not forget to take care of it. Our tips will help you with this:

  • Any wood perfectly absorbs water. Make sure that the planks are at least 15 cm above the surface.
  • Remove the grass along the fence in a timely manner.
  • Every 3 years the picket fence is recommended to be updated. You can use paint of a different color - the appearance of the fence will instantly change.
  • So that the hinges do not creak, they need to be lubricated from time to time.
  • Any cracks that will appear on the wood should preferably be puttied, and then rubbed with sandpaper and painted over.

The most important information about decorating

How to arrange a front garden in an unusual and beautiful way, is it possible to do without special techniques? Our answer is yes, and a variety of plants will help you with this. To successfully select vegetation, consider the general style of the front garden. Below we will consider several representatives of the flora, we will talk about the key features of each group.

Fruit trees, shrubs

Lush apple and pear trees are a real find for those who would like to.

For a front garden with your own hands, it is better to take standard plants. This is the name of shrubs that have even, neat crowns. Do not even hesitate - your site lacked just such a design. It is best to buy standard plants in special nurseries and greenhouses.

Using shrubs of low height, you can quickly create a hedge of living plants. Hawthorn is also suitable, rosehip is a good option. All three shrubs have bright fruits. Thanks to them, in autumn the territory is transformed beyond recognition. And if you make an arch in the hedge, the site will look very romantic!

coniferous plants

To create an attractive, geometrically correct composition, use conifers.

Their spherical or conical shape looks very advantageous! 4-5 such trees will be enough. 8-10 - already too much, the front garden will be overloaded with plantings of the same type. The only exception is hedge when plants are planted along the perimeter or in one row in front of the facade.
As for species, choose shrubs and trees that are easy to cut: dwarf spruce, boxwood, thuja. But it is not recommended to use tall plants - after a few years their crowns will begin to look into your windows and cover the entire decor.

Flowerbeds and flower beds

In regions with a very warm climate, it is best to plant plants in the front garden that will delight you from March to October. unique very simply. It is enough to put several clay jugs and garden figurines on the site, build or wooden crafts. Peonies, dahlias, phloxes and asters are considered a universal option. A lush flower turns even the most gray fence into a luxurious gate.

Clematis planted near the house is convenient to put on trellises - however, like wisteria with honeysuckle.

In a relatively short period of time, they will turn the fence into a thick green screen. Always use climbing plants if you need to divide the front garden into several zones at once or draw a clear line between the road and the site.

Original ideas for the front garden

Especially for you, we have prepared some creative ideas that can be applied this spring.

  • Modern style. Is your house built in a modern European style? In this case, a slender and concise design of the territory will come in handy. Lay out the path in front of the house with tiles with your own hands, we suggest planting flowers in blue colors. Take sage and delphinium, you can diversify this motley company with garden geraniums and catnip. Place a bench and several rectangular flowerpots near the entrance. Trees should be standard (boxwood, laurel cherry) - this has already been written above. In a word, everything is practical and nothing superfluous.
  • Romantic style. What color do you associate the word "romance" with? Most often, these are red and pink shades. As a fence, we use a low wooden fence or plant bright and lush flowers: asters, peonies, dahlias. The more magnificent the design of the front garden in front of your house, the better.
  • German style. Its highlight is the simplicity and regularity of forms. Flower beds are made rectangular and sown with daisies, petunias. Sage and marigolds are also suitable, and it is better to use a picket fence as a fence. The path is laid out with colored tiles in an asymmetric manner. The final touch is to place planters with lush boxwoods on the steps of the porch.
  • Country style. Bright as the sun itself, saturated as life! Meet rustic design style. You can recognize it by a mandatory attribute - a sunflower. Without exception, rustic-style front gardens are planted with "flowers of the sun" of various heights. Such a composition can be supplemented with a sky-blue wooden fence and wildflowers: daisies, bells. What to plant if you want to create a magnificent arch, as in the photo? The first thing that comes to mind is morning glory. Do not forget about the path, which is laid out with flat stones.
  • "Lazy style". Especially for those who cannot find time to take care of the plantations, we have come up with the option of a “lazy front garden”. Fill the area with gravel of various colors. Fantasize more boldly, without limiting yourself: gravel is covered with islands, stripes, in a chaotic manner. The prepared surface is ready for arranging potted plants. It turns out very unusual!

Front garden design secrets from professional designers

Landscape designers share techniques and give advice to those who do not know how to decorate the front garden with their own hands at minimal cost:

  • Thinking about beauty, do not forget about functionality. Each front garden should have its own accent zone. What does "functional front garden" mean? The area in front of the house is not a tropical forest, but a place where you can organize a parking lot for a car, equip a recreation area. All work is carried out carefully so as not to disturb the general atmosphere of the area.
  • Any work on the arrangement of the front garden, start with planning. Consider the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory, the wishes of relatives. The secret of harmony is simple: the width of the front garden should not be more than the front wall, the length should not exceed 2/3 of the height of the house. Bushes that are planted under the walls of the building should not be higher than the basement. Front gardens planned in a specific geometric shape look great.
  • Sculptures are a great decor option, but don't go overboard with their number. You can also use lamps and stones to mark an accent in a particular place.

To build a front garden, you will need to make some efforts, show imagination and a little creativity. The result will surely please you - the territory will bloom with bright colors and will stand out against the background of neighboring territories.

Nothing is more pleasing to the human eye than the beautiful design of the front garden near the house.

Thanks to him, you can proudly invite friends and closest people to visit.

It will always become a beautiful addition and original decoration of any private house.

In addition to joy and admiration, front gardens perform many other functions:

  • Decorated approach to the house, or entrance.
  • The territory on which garbage containers are installed, possibly mailboxes.
  • Providing access to some areas that are located behind the front garden.
  • Parking areas for vehicles and bicycles.
  • A certain concealment of the house and its adjacent territory from neighbors, or strangers.
  • Territories for carrying out garden or various repair work.
  • Cultivation of crops - fruit or berry.
  • Aesthetics and environmental cleanliness of the street.

Many people think that the design of the front garden in front of the house is a difficult and incomprehensible task, as a result of which something prohibitively pretentious and complex should turn out. However, this is far from being the case, the basis is simply the correct combination of all the elements among themselves: structures (houses), fences and the plants themselves.

Ways to design front gardens in front of the house

To create an ideal front garden, you need to understand its main types, know its purpose and role. Therefore, two types should still be mentioned:

open front garden - mainly consists of a lawn with paved paths and flower beds. It does not contain a large number of tree and shrub groups, and visibility from all sides is very good, which allows you to view the house and its surroundings from various places.

Closed front garden - so called, due to the fence, represented by either a hedge or small architectural forms.

Depending on this, each owner of the territory determines for himself what exactly suits him - silence, tranquility, solitude, or openness and constant being in front of everyone.

There are a huge number of ideas for the front garden. This is a design in various style solutions that you can come up with and do it yourself.

Style and design of your front garden

Some owners prefer a classic style solution, others - oriental, country, modern, and others. It is worth talking about each in more detail.

Country style (in a different way, rustic) speaks of simplicity and originality. For example, you can make a beautiful front garden with your own hands using a perennial flower garden that does not require annual planting. Interesting will be a wooden low fence around the entire perimeter, which conveys the spirit of this style.

Mixborders will be typical for the Asian front garden containing perennial flowering plants, soft and discreet flowers. Thanks to the many tiers, some demarcations can be made, necessarily from natural stones, because this style does not involve the use of other materials. And only they are used for fencing.

Planted coniferous trees or shrubs, small in size, that is, dwarf ones, which will not attract the attention of others, will look great here.

Mediterranean solution for your front garden is one of the most interesting, because it is in some way mobile. This means that all plants, to create an image, are planted in tubs and containers.

You can also arrange a small relaxation area by placing a deck chair, tables and beautiful armchairs made from natural materials. It will not be superfluous to use small crafts, figurines and lamps in the decor.

Many are wondering how to beautifully decorate the front garden in a romantic style. . Here the emphasis is on vegetation, which should embody beauty and tenderness. Therefore, most often, forged or metal arches are made, entwined with clematis or climbing roses. Low fences should also be decorated with climbing plants that look original on them.

If you remember the modern style , then the presence of original plants, new forms and varieties, will take place. For example, European larch "Dangling" or sheared boxwood. You can also use natural stones, neatly placed in the front garden.

The Japanese style also involves finding natural stones. , in combination with coniferous plants. And if you plant plants in flower beds, then preferably perennials, such as daylilies and irises, you can make accents from cereals (gray fescue, ryegrass).

For each owner of his own territory who creates a front garden, there is a specific idea and style solution, which is not at all standard, but is carried out with the manifestation of all his imagination. The front garden in the village is the most common option for decorating the entrance area.

What flowers to plant in the front garden?

The beauty and expression of the style of the front garden depends on the main element - plants. Therefore, many are interested in just such a question: what flowers to plant in the front garden in front of the house?

Preference is given to flowering perennials. Ornamental shrubs or trees can be used. For example, from shrubs - ordinary and its forms, evergreen, ordinary or Thunberg, and others.

Of the woody plants, the standard ones are most often used, around which you can arrange near-stem flower arrangements. For example, Norway maple, "Spherical", or standard western.

From flower plants, you need to use those that will delight with their decorative effect throughout the year. For example, April, perennial daisy, violas, primroses and forget-me-nots.

Daffodils bloom in May, Turkish carnations, irises, peonies and tiger lilies bloom in June-July. Later, you can plant marigolds (rejected and erect), (ampel forms look very nice), cultural nasturtiums and phloxes with chrysanthemums. Since August, the front garden can also please chrysanthemums of late varieties.

Here is one example of flower beds in the front garden, which can be attributed to the classical style, using cereals and flowering plants.

  • Salvia brilliant
  • Purslane
  • Viola Wittrock
  • gray fescue
  • Marigolds rejected
  • tiger lilies
  • Viola Wittrock

The fence for the front garden, as one of its main elements

For front gardens, they try to use fences made of natural materials. For example, wood or metal. They are, of course, more expensive in cost, but their appearance looks the most luxurious and beautiful.

The fence for the front garden can be either plastic or stone. You can also use plants to achieve an even more interesting option. Usually, they try to make fences low and neat, which will only emphasize style and originality.

It all depends on the idea itself, for example, forged fences are suitable for a romantic style, wicker or wooden fences for a rustic style, and stone fences for a modern style. It also all depends on the combination with the structure and planted plants.

Only high-quality planting material, good imagination and awareness in the arrangement of front gardens, realizes all the desires regarding the design of the entrance area near the house.

The front garden near an apartment building ... Just plant a tree, bush or flower seed and watch it grow and develop. Home gardens can be quite simple, not requiring significant maintenance and hassle associated with them. Making the front garden 45 photos of design ideas.

Greenery of trees, flowering plants delight the eyes of those passing by and living in the building. It's much nicer than seeing mountains of flying and moving garbage in the form of bags, empty boxes of cigarettes, cookies, sweets, ice cream and empty bottles on bald house plots.

So ... Will landing large-sized ones be suitable? It all depends on the quality of the land, the amount of sunlight illuminating the site, the funds that you can invest. Depending on this, plants that require specific parameters of these indicators develop well in the flower bed. Making the front garden in front of the house - the soil can be light, heavy, nutritious, loamy, sandy, rocky, and so on. Making the front garden photo:

Sites are well lit and shaded, with a shadow, penumbra, sparse shadow, deep shadow. Shade, if solar illumination is less than three hours a day, partial shade is more. A sparse shadow - the sun's rays penetrate between the edge of the trees and foliage, a deep shadow - the light does not penetrate at all or there is very little of it. The most unpretentious plants for the front garden "without the hassle", flowers in the front garden design are discussed in this article.

Evergreen and deciduous

It is possible to protect the house adjoining land from dust, gases and transport waste by planting in a row, evergreen or deciduous bushes of privet, boxwood. Their advantage is beautiful simplicity, drought resistance, frost resistance, and undemanding to the type of soil. Such bushes are sheared, making the desired shape of the hedge, creating a beautiful design of the front garden.

Common privet is a deciduous shrub, its leaves grow on densely branched dark green, silvery, gray-gray stems with a white border. The fruits of privet are white balls. Japanese privet is an evergreen shrub with variegated, pink or white striped leaves. Flower decoration of the front garden in front of the house photo:

Deciduous plants for the front garden

Ideas for decorating a front garden for a fence are suitable for transplanted, in a row, bushes of maple, acacia or other deciduous trees growing everywhere from falling seeds. When the required height is reached, a haircut is made, and they branch well, growing in width.

Perennial shrubs in the design of the front garden

Perennial shrubs have a variety of foliage colors: whitish, green with a border, yellow, golden, burgundy, red, which will help to make a beautiful design of the front garden. Turf is suitable for composing compositions ( different types); black elderberry (preferring soils with humus); barberry Thunberg, boxwood with glossy leaves, jasmine. Making the front garden photo:

Unpretentious perennial shrubs, diverse species, flowers, are successfully used in decorative landscaping of the front garden. A small list of perennials for adjoining flower beds: lilac, currant, hydrangea, meadowsweet, forsythia, wild rose.

Ideas for decorating a front garden, for example, lilac is a fragrant shrub with flowers of an unusual shape of flowers and inflorescences, of various colors. The plant is resistant to dust and air pollution, frost-resistant, can be used as a hedge.

Currant is a shrub with openwork leaves, which is used as a hedge, border in group plantings. Making a front garden in front of the house, a decorative perennial successfully grows in an unfavorable environment.

Hydrangea is a beautiful shrub that gives a touch of picturesque decor to private households and the front garden of a high-rise building. The plant is very responsive to attention and care. Soils should be fertilized at planting and, periodically, during growth, but can be bred without fertilizers, on black soil. Hydrangea is demanding for watering, photophilous. Flower decoration of the front garden in front of the house photo:

A frequent pest of it and other bush plants is aphid, which eats all young shoots during the period of their development. They fight aphids by spraying bushes, infusion of garlic and laundry soap.

The beautiful design of the front garden will help create such a fact - the color of hydrangea flowers can be changed. To do this, prepare a solution of 50 g of aluminum alum and 12.5 liters of water and water the plant with it 2 times in 2 buckets, with a break of 10 days. White hydrangea becomes blue, and pink becomes purple.

Meadowsweet or spirea is a shrub. Its value is in abundant and long flowering, many species. In the people she is called the bride. Plant species do not require special soil, gas-resistant, frost-resistant. Spreading bushes are used in hedges, in borders, and with them flowers in the front garden decoration.

Also used in landscaping decor planting forsythia - a fast-growing shrub with yellow flowers that bloom before the leaves. In urban conditions, it is resistant to frost and winds, but requires fertilized and moist soils. Making the front garden photo:

Rosehip - a rose, a beautifully flowering tall shrub with red fruits for loamy soils with moderate watering. It is used as a hedge, for compositions inside flower beds.

Honeysuckle plants for decorating the front garden

The family of honeysuckle plants includes viburnum. The genus viburnum has a large number of species. The most common of them is common viburnum, which is desirable in any front garden, representative all year round with the beauty of leaves, flowers and fruits.

Use the front garden design ideas, there is a barren, decorative viburnum of the Buldenezh variety. When the plant is still young, it needs sunlight and watering, mineral and organic fertilizers. The shrub prefers slightly acidic, neutral light soils.

It looks interesting in the landscaped castor bean, reminiscent of a palm tree. This is a perennial that came to us from the southern latitudes, but grown as an annual, as it is not winter-hardy. Castor oil is demanding for watering, does not tolerate stony soils.

Datura or Datura is a shrub with huge white flowers, grown as an annual because it is not cold-resistant. Datura grows, spreads along the ground and at the same time is quite high, it can fill a large plot of land, which is very good when you need to decorate a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. It grows well in sunny places, loves moderate watering, any soil, is poisonous, so it is better to limit the design of the front garden in front of the house if there are many children in the yard for a walk.

decorative deciduous trees

Decorative deciduous trees for planting in front of the facade of the house, firms, enterprises, having a variety of colors and shapes of leaves, beautifully in harmony with standard plantings, quite expensive, but not requiring special care. These include: Norway maple, Nigra plum, horse chestnut, compact ash create different front garden design ideas.

Norway maple, pyramidal grows even on clay soils, frost-resistant. The leaves of the tree have a bright crimson color when blooming, and in the summer they turn purple.
The Nigra plum is a very tall tree with maroon colored leaves. It stands out against the background of green counterparts.

The colors of flowers and inflorescences, the leaves of this tree, make it a good background for conifers. The plum is drought-resistant, not afraid of gas and dust. Flower decoration of the front garden in front of the house photo:

Living in a private house provides an opportunity to show their creative abilities to the fullest when decorating and landscaping housing and the local area. At the same time, one of the most successful options for decorating the territory on which the house is located is the use of green spaces. There are many options for how to arrange a front garden in front of the house, you can do this both independently and with the help of specialist designers.

In landscape design, there are several types of decor elements, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. These include flower beds, rabatki, flowerpots, front gardens and more. But, despite the fact that this word is familiar to many, not everyone will be able to give an exact definition of what a front garden is. So you can call a fenced area located in front of housing. The entire grand appearance of the house will depend on how well this space is arranged, therefore, to create a beautiful view, it is worth making some effort.

Externally, this design element is usually a rectangular area that takes up space from the house to the road and is filled with ornamental plants. For this, both herbaceous annuals and perennials, as well as shrubs and trees are used.

Types of front gardens

Depending on the type of fence, its presence or absence, all front gardens are classified as follows:

  1. closed type. Such a landscape element has a fence, so it may not be visible or partially visible from the road, depending on the type of fence and its height.
  2. Open type. This front garden can be observed not only from the local area, but also from the street. It is a path, flower beds, a neatly trimmed lawn in front of housing.

Closed front garden
Open front garden

In addition, depending on the style used, the front garden can be:

    • European look. Its main features are a strict adherence to geometric lines and proportions, free-thinking and a free approach are not welcome. Also, this front garden most often does not have a massive hedge.

European look

  • Russian type. It must have a fence. The accuracy of the lines when placing all its components is not necessary, the main requirement is that when looking at the space in front of the house, the eye should be pleased.
  • In addition to the above main directions, the design of the front garden can also be made in an oriental style. It is characterized by the presence of stones in the decor and coniferous plants, preferably dwarf forms. Ideally, such a site should resemble a traditional Japanese garden.

East style

  • The Mediterranean type front garden implies the presence of flowers, and sometimes trees growing in special containers. They can be arranged, depending on the preferences of homeowners. In addition, other details may be present - sculptures, lanterns. The main component of this design is a recreation area - benches, a table, a canopy.

mediterranean type

  • If you want to go back to childhood, remembering the rest in the village, then you can give preference to the rustic style. It always has a fence, and a variety of flowering plants are planted behind it, depending on the taste and preferences of the owner of the home.
  • There is another version of the front garden in front of the house - in a romantic style. In this case, there are arches in the decor, and the plants select those that will braid the fences, bloom beautifully and for a long time.

romantic style

Advantages and disadvantages

The front area, located in front of the housing, is very important in terms of appearance. When visiting a country house, this area is the first thing that catches your eye. Therefore, the utmost attention should be paid to its improvement. A beautiful front garden is one of the best ways out in this situation.

The main advantage of this part of the landscape is its high degree of decorativeness. Regardless of the style of performance chosen, with a competent approach, the front garden is able to hide the shortcomings of the house, if any, and the advantageous sides, on the contrary, emphasize and decorate the site.

As for the shortcomings, the only one of them is the need to constantly maintain the condition of the site in front of the house in order. To do this, remove dried plants, falling leaves, water them in a timely manner, as well as loosen and, if necessary, weed the flower beds. However, all this pays off due to the high aesthetics of the created compositions.

Types of plants suitable for front gardens

Select plants for the front personal plot should be based on what style the owner wants to adhere to, as well as on the characteristics of the territory. If you need to create a front garden with your own hands in a limited area, then the main rule to follow is the competent distribution of all its elements. With some simple tricks, a small area in front of the house can seem much more spacious.

One of the requirements for plants used in front of the house is that they must be selected in such a way as to ensure continuous flowering or decoration throughout the warm period. In addition, a beautiful front garden must not lose its attractive appearance in the fall, so you should choose some of the plants that have spectacular foliage colors in the fall, and also enliven the area in winter with their appearance.

The selection of cultures should be carried out depending on the chosen style. For example, in a rustic style, sunflowers are quite acceptable in combination with simple wild flowers, such as daisies, bluebells, forget-me-nots.

Romantic style will require an abundance of flowering crops such as lilies, hydrangeas, roses. Climbing plants, such as clematis, must also be available.

Color spectrum

Flowers in the front garden can have a variety of colors. This is especially true for the peasant style, where an abundance of various shades is only welcome. The project can also imply execution in one scale, in accordance with which flowering crops are selected.

For example, if the style of the house and the area in front of it is more concise, it is best to limit yourself to one or two close shades. It should be remembered that cold tones - blue, cyan, lilac visually expand the space. Warm colors - yellow, orange give a sense of illumination. This can be used if the area does not have enough sunlight.

A prerequisite is the combination of the cultures used with the general ensemble - the color of the building, the fence. It is better to plant more modest varieties of flowers near the bright walls of the house. You can decorate the front garden more vividly if the house is painted in neutral colors - white, gray, beige or has the color of an old tree.

When creating flower beds, a variety of decorative elements are often used. It can be stones, figurines, ...

What crops to choose for planting

Most often, annual and perennial herbaceous plants are used to equip the area in front of housing. However, shrubs and even trees are no less widely used. In addition, varieties of suitable grasses are taken to create lawns.

Flowers can be planted in flower beds in a variety of ways - it all depends on the chosen style and taste of the owners. At the same time, it is worth remembering that cultures with small flowers and leaves will look better in a small space. Large-flowered varieties should be planted if there is sufficient space. Curly cultures require support, so they are placed next to walls, fences, arches.

Shrubs are no less in demand. The most common are barberries, honeysuckle, acacia, wild roses, spirea, mock orange. It is worth noting that in addition to decorative types of shrubs - lilacs, mock oranges, fruit and berry crops are also considered very popular. A do-it-yourself front garden, in which you can see currants, rose hips, hawthorn, will look equally good in spring, during the blooming of leaves and flowers, and in autumn. Some types of shrubs can make excellent hedges by planting them a short distance apart and trimming them regularly.

As a rule, there should not be many trees on the plot in front of the house, but they are used to indicate accents and draw attention to a certain point. Both deciduous and coniferous species can be used. The latter will look most impressive when planted singly and formed either in the form of a ball or in the form of a column. At the same time, the design of the front garden often occurs due to dwarf coniferous trees.

Separately, it is worth noting the use of lawn and ornamental grasses. When sowing a lawn, you need to choose seeds in accordance with its purpose. If the lawn is planned to be used for walking, it is recommended to select grasses that are resistant to trampling. In addition to lawns, there are also herbaceous plants that have decorative foliage and are used for planting in flower beds and flowerbeds. The most common are hosts, ferns, geyher, some cereal herbs.

An important design detail is the fence

If the question arises, how to decorate the front garden in addition to the main method - the selection and planting of plants, you should also pay attention to its fence. It can be both completely decorative, and simply fence off the site from the external territory. There are several types of fencing, depending on the materials used for its manufacture.

  • Fences for, stone, metal, wooden. A simple fence made of corrugated board or brick will not be aesthetic. If you want to choose a metal fence, it is better to give preference to a forged fence with gaps.
  • A wooden picket fence is a classic when arranging the front of the site. Its parameters allow you to create a barrier, and at the same time see the area in front of the house. As for the color, you can limit yourself to the natural color of the tree, traditional blue, white. And you can paint the fence in a brighter shade.

  • If the question arises, how to arrange an oriental-style front garden, you can lay out a low stone fence, which will not protect against penetration, but will be a great decoration.
  • Another option for fencing is a hedge. To create it, plants are selected that have a dense crown and are well tolerated by a regular haircut. They are planted next to each other and constantly pruned as they grow. As a result, for a certain time, a dense hedge is obtained, which has a high decorative effect.

How to arrange a front garden - rules

To make this territory look really beautiful and please the eye, one creative approach to design will not be enough. It is necessary to take into account some rules, the observance of which will make the site located in front of the dwelling truly attractive and cozy.

The first thing you need to know is such a thing as composition. It implies the correct and harmonious arrangement of objects in the territory. To know how to decorate the front garden with your own hands, you first need to focus on building the right composition. In it, in turn, one central element is selected, called the focal point - it is around it that the rest of the ensemble will be created.

The central element, which is a prominent bush, tree or sculpture, in turn, should not be alone - this will break the harmony. Around the focal point, you should place other, smaller elements that will not allow it to stand out too much and create the necessary background. As additional details, flower beds, herbs, borders, other bushes with contrasting flowers or leaves are suitable. It is important that the focal element is different from the rest of the components and attracts the eye in the first place.

DIY front garden - some ideas when creating

To achieve the desired effect, you can resort to certain design solutions that will help to cope with a number of shortcomings and show the house in the best light. For example, if there is a lawn in front of the dwelling, then it is preferable to place flowers and shrubs next to the house, along the walls and in front of the entrance. At the same time, climbing plants will look good in the background, and it is better to place flowers in flower beds in front of them. On the porch, you can additionally put flowerpots with flowers.

The question of how to decorate the front garden with your own hands may arise even if the area in front of the housing is very small. In this case, you should resort to some tricks that will help visually enlarge the space. One of them is the use of plants with smaller flowers and leaves, as well as with a light color. This approach allows you to give additional volume of the territory.

Another way is to use climbing plants on the walls of the house as a backdrop for the rest of the flower garden. This technique also expands the visually available space, making it deeper and richer.

Additional decor elements

The design of the front garden, in addition to plants and fences, allows you to use other decor details. One of them are paths and paths. Properly and beautifully executed, they are able to create an unusual or peaceful atmosphere and complement the overall composition. The path that runs along the lawn will look especially relevant. With a large length, it is better to make several bends, and plant flowering plants on the sides to divert attention.

Other details widely used in the decoration of front gardens are sculptures. They can be stone, wooden, clay. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number. In addition, you can use lamps, especially to illuminate the path in the dark. Stones are no less popular in decorating the site - they will allow you to designate an accent in a certain place.

Figures of animals and fairy-tale characters can also be used in the construction and decoration of the front garden. You can buy them at the store, or you can make your own. In addition, low fences are used for decor, designed to separate one zone from another.

To make and decorate the front garden with your own hands, you need to make some effort and be creative. As a result, the house and the space in front of it will bloom with bright colors and will delight the owners and their guests.