
Svetlana compatibility. Men with what names are suitable for a woman named Svetlana? How to test people for compatibility just by name

Svetlana compatibility.  Men with what names are suitable for a woman named Svetlana?  How to test people for compatibility just by name

The name Svetlana is very unusual and even one of a kind, since it has a literary origin, unlike all other existing names. It was invented at the beginning of the 19th century by A.Kh. Vostokov and used by him in the "ancient romance" called "Svetlana and Mstislav". The name became most famous after the publication of the poem by V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana" In the 19th century, the name Svetlana gradually came into use, but it could not become a personal name due to its absence in the calendar, so it was used, for example, to name ships and enterprises. The full name began to be used after the October Revolution, when restrictions on the use of non-church names were lifted. A huge role in popularizing the name was played by the fact that Svetlana was the name of the only daughter of I.V. Stalin. In 1943, the name Svetlana was recognized by the Orthodox Church and included in the name book. The "peak" of the popularity of this name falls on the 1950-1970s.

Some researchers still believe that Svetlana is actually Slavic, consists of two bases "svet" and "lan" - "field, earth" and means "light of the earth" or simply "bright". Also, the name Svetlana could be a tracing paper from the Greek name Photinia (in translation - "bright"). However, these are only hypotheses that have not been confirmed.

Abbreviated, diminutive forms of the name Svetlana

Svetlanka, Svetlanochka, Sveta, Svetochka, Svetka, Svetik, Svetulya, Svetunya, Svetusya, Svetusik, Svetukha, Svetusha, Veta, Lana.

Character traits characteristic of the owners of the name Svetlana

Emotionality, activity, vigor, love of life, independence, diligence, diplomacy, flexibility, kindness, disinterestedness, coquettishness, accuracy, pride, leadership qualities, distrust, artistry, intelligence, unobtrusiveness, the ability to manipulate people.

What patronymic goes with the name Svetlana?

The most suitable patronymics for the name Svetlana: Anatolyevna, Andreevna, Arsenovna, Valerievna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Grigorievna, Daniilovna, Danilovna, Evgenievna, Igorevna, Kazimirovna, Rafaelevna, Sergeevna, Stanislavovna, Feliksovna, Yurievna , Yakovlevna, Yanovna.

Zodiac sign, planet and symbolism associated with the name Svetlana

Zodiac sign - Aquarius

Ruler Planet - Neptune

Name color - blue

Talisman stone - rock crystal

Famous people with this name

Svetlana Savitskaya (Soviet cosmonaut, the second female cosmonaut in the world and the first female cosmonaut in the world to go into outer space, twice Hero of the Soviet Union)

Svetlana Svetlichnaya

Svetlana Zhiltsova (Russian TV announcer, host of KVN programs, "Song of the Year", "Morning Mail")

Svetlana Khorkina (Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion in uneven bars, three-time absolute world champion and three-time absolute European champion)

Svetlana Surganova (musician, poet and composer, soloist and violinist of the Night Snipers group, currently the leader of the Surganova and Orchestra group)

Svetlana Nemolyaeva (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress)

Svetlana Druzhinina (Soviet and Russian actress, director, screenwriter)

Svetlana Hodchenkova (Russian theater, film and television actress)

Svetlana Loboda (popular Ukrainian singer, presenter, philanthropist, songwriter, actress, designer of her own brand "F*ck" n "macho", photographer, former soloist of the group "VIA Gra")

Svetlana Alliluyeva (nee - Stalin, in exile - Lana Pieters; Soviet philologist-translator, candidate of philological sciences; memoirist. Daughter of I.V. Stalin, about whose life she left a number of works in the genre of memoirs)

Svetlana Svetikova (Russian pop singer, actress, musical artist)


HISTORY AND MEANING OF THE NAME OF SVETLANA- Svetlana (bright, pure) - the name of Slavic origin - from the word "bright". This is the female version of the rare male name Svetlan (from the word "light"). In Greek, the name Photina corresponds to it. This name is called Svetlan at baptism. The name is surprisingly warm, affectionate. Giving it, the parents, as it were, crown their daughter with light. This name sounds like a bright melody.

It became very popular in the 20th century, especially in Soviet times. Now - in the top ten, second only to the names of Elena, Natalia, Olga, Tatyana and Irina. In cities, the frequency of using this name is slowly decreasing, while in the countryside it is just as slowly growing.


Svetlana (Fotina, Fotiniya) Palestine, reverend, February 26 (13).
Svetlana Samaritan, Roman. Suffered under Emperor Nero for spreading the Christian faith, April 2 (March 20).



COLOR OF THE NAME OF SVETLANA- Blue, green and red.


PLANT SVETLANA- Birch, lily.


MAIN FEATURES OF SVETLANA'S CHARACTER- Light, bright, active and sociable personality. Accurate.

SVETLANA'S TYPE- Field Marshal in a skirt.

CHARACTER OF THE NAME OF SVETLANA- Svetlana - ice and fire, continuous contradictions. Kindness to people and a rare ability to hurt them, inflated self-esteem and disinterested altruism, perseverance, determination and inability to important points take life into your own hands. Svetlana is independent and hardworking, diplomatic, kind, but loves to command. Coquettish, prefers male society, because it is more difficult for her to find a common language with women. He cares a lot about his family. Pays little attention to public opinion, does not take into account gossip. It seems that she even likes being talked about, it amuses her vanity. He treats all men with distrust, believing that it is impossible to fully rely on any of them. Soft and feminine Svetlana with patronymics Andreevna, Ivanovna, Alekseevna.

THE FATE OF SVETLANA- Happiness is in Svetlana herself: fate is inconsistent towards her. Beauty, but in life is rarely arranged. Since childhood, he has been a controversial character. She has a very high opinion of herself, but she studies averagely.

Svetlana's parents will have to think about how they would like to see her and take responsibility for her fate, as she is equally open to both good and evil. Svetlana is "sculpted" by the surrounding life, relatives, friends and, finally, she herself - what she wants, she will be. She literally creates herself.

THE PSYCHE OF SVETLANA- Svetlana's life is dominated by the spiritual principle, purity of thoughts and aspirations, lightness, artistry, goodwill. She is easy-going and always where she is expected. However, her character is contrasting.

THINKING OF SVETLANA- Svetlana is intelligent and subtle. It is important for her, first of all, spiritual closeness with her family.

MORALITY OF SVETLANA- Svetlana has a beneficial effect on others. She can unselfishly help people with timely advice, a kind word, leave a noble light, warmth and hope in their souls. It has an unmistakable charm. This woman is a mystery, it is always interesting with her.

HEALTH OF SVETLANA- Svetlana is full of energy and love of life.

SEX AND LOVE SVETLANA- She is attractive to the male eye, they see "something like that" in her. She never imposes herself on anyone. But, making sure that she is interested in a man, she is able to give herself to him without any conditions, she can even become "clay" in his hands. The appearance of a partner does not matter to her, she appreciates his passion, experience, ability to deliver pleasure.

Cultural compatibility (80%). The names Svetlana and Alexey, despite the similarity, cannot boast of a common origin. The pair will most likely develop good compatibility, but it is difficult to call it ideal.

Phonetic compatibility (45%). The names are pretty similar. The name Alexey has three syllables, the name Svetlana has the same number. Often in such pairs, communication is easier.

Name days compatibility (40%). The names Alexey and Svetlana do not have common name days, however, there are a couple of name days that differ by one day.

Compatibility of names Svetlana and Alexey in love and marriage

The numerological number of the name Alexei (A + l + e + k + c + e + d) is 5, the number of the name Svetlana (C + b + e + t + l + a + n + a) is 6.

Svetlana is hardly ready to open up to unfamiliar people, remaining aloof and not responding to signs of attention. However, those who persevere will find a sensual and dreamy nature inside Svetlana.

In her youth, the girl-six is ​​naive and shy, but over the years she gets rid of these qualities, becoming reasonable and confident. However, some modesty in behavior remains with her for life. Svetlana has a bright inner world, a developed imagination, and her intuition never fails this woman.

A woman of six knows how to be different and unpredictable, but sometimes it tires her partner. She likes romantic relationships, Svetlana appreciates love and knows how to dissolve in it.

Svetlana looks for sensitivity and responsiveness, readiness for frank conversations with Alexei. Svetlana does not tolerate half-heartedness, because she needs to know that her chosen one completely belongs only to her alone, just like she does to him.

Five-Alexey seems not the best choice for Svetlana-six, striving for a long-term relationship. Yes, Alexei is full of romantic impulses, and is unlikely to pay attention to a woman with a meager inner world. Five-Alexey loves updates, he needs changes and new sensations, while Svetlana-six does not experience such an urgent need for novelty. Svetlana puts her family first, while Aleksey Five cherishes freedom and marries without much enthusiasm.

The union of a five-man and a woman-six can develop, but it is not necessary to say that it will be long or calm. Svetlana is looking for harmony in a calm relationship, where there is a place for tenderness and warmth between partners. Alexey is more changeable, it is difficult for him to come to terms with stability, even if everything is fine. Chances of success will appear if Alexei moderates his craving for adventure, while Svetlana allows herself to "get rid" of her lover a little.

Svetlana and Dmitry become a good couple. At the beginning of the relationship between them, passion is born, which develops into a serious feeling. A woman sees in this partner a caring and gentle man. He never refuses to help her and tries his best to please her. The partner attracts him with her brightness and originality, which dilute his gray and boring life. Due to the fact that lovers express their emotions in different ways, disagreements in a couple are possible.

In most cases, these people create a friendly family. Thanks to the practicality of men, they are not afraid of household chores. A woman tends to shield herself from routine and live in the imaginary world of her fantasies. Marriage becomes stronger and more harmonious if the spouse begins to look more realistically at what is happening.

Compatibility in friendship 74%

The friendship between Svetlana and Dmitry is based on mutual interest. The man plays the role of inspiration. He activates the best qualities in this woman. In his company, she becomes more dreamy and carefree. Despite the excessive demands on others, this woman easily finds a common language with her friend. She teaches him to enjoy life and truly relax. Because of her helplessness in difficult situations, friendships can break down.

Compatibility in work 23%

Svetlana and Dmitry are not well suited to each other for business cooperation. A pedantic and obliging man does not like this woman who rarely makes the right decisions. He avoids communication with her and prefers other partners to her. A woman can benefit from this union. But after the partner begins to demand the impossible from her, her desire for cooperation fades away.

The owners of the names Svetlana and Sergey were not initially set up for a long-term relationship. However, when their relationship develops and becomes long-lasting, it becomes surprising even for the participants in the love union themselves, to say nothing of those around them. The more partners get to know each other, the more they become attached and convinced of the correctness of their own choice. There is nothing accidental in this world, and these two did not meet by chance. Svetlana and Sergey, being independent individuals, eventually become very dependent on each other. Name compatibility Svetlana and Sergey in love is 90%. Not every couple has such love compatibility.

At the energy level, it is characterized by the rhythmic coloring of their names. Svetlana is positive, optimistic, very emotional. Sergey is balanced, independent, reasonable. For employers, he is a valuable copy, due to the high degree of responsibility and diligence. Svetlana talks a lot, and Sergey listens to her meekly and with pleasure, since by nature the guy is not verbose. Svetlana will not attack her chosen one about a small salary or lack of work, she is able to patiently survive any financial crisis in the family. Sergei, in turn, will share even the most incredible passion or hobby with the chosen one, and will support the girl in any endeavors. It is very important for Svetlana that the companion shows interest in her life. Svetlana's sense of humor, easy character and friendly disposition are able to smooth out sharper corners and avoid family conflicts. In fact, Sergei is not such a simple character, but Svetlana can handle him.

It is unlikely that Svetlana and Sergey will be able to become a model of stability for others, but they are well able to understand each other, that you can do without words, with just a look. Svetlana and Sergey are married 70% compatible. This is due to the fact that married life still implies stability and order, which these two lack. But these passionate and cheerful people will perfectly complement each other. Physical compatibility of Svetlana and Sergey, multiplied by the emotionality of the partner makes sexual relations in this couple truly enchanting.

Numerology gives its original forecast for each pair of lovers, endowing it with the power of a certain number. Svetlana and Sergey, compatibility their union is determined by the vibrations of the number 7. Couples-sevens, as they grow older, tend to think about the essence of being and the meaning of life. Such reflections push them to the need to engage in self-development and self-improvement. The initiator here is naturally Svetlana, and Sergei dutifully follows his restless chosen one.

Svetlana and Sergey do not strive to achieve material well-being, fame and success by any means. Spiritual values ​​for them are a much more important element of life. For their children, they will be able to become good educators, they will be able to instill in their children the right values ​​and will be able to competently form their worldview. With the birth of children, Svetlana is imbued with an extraordinary depth of feelings, which she is able to give to both her husband and children.

Partners are able to empathize with someone else's misfortune and are always ready to lend a helping hand. They feel more comfortable in a calm and measured environment. Situations in which to take quick solutions couples-sevens feel uncomfortable.